A collection of book reviews written by tweens or teens aged 10- 18 years old. If you’re looking for your next read, this website will provide you with a list of suggested readings and reviews. Anybody can make contributions to this website by:
  1. Adding your own review of a book you’ve read and loved, hated or have unsure feelings about it. If your chosen book is not already on the website, you can request to add own book review to the collection by emailing the following information: Name of book. Author. Genre (e.g. Mystery, Sci Fi, Comedy). Date of release. Your written review as well as rating out of 5. You can use your own name or choose a code name for your additions. Once all above information is received by the team it will be checked and added to the website.
  2. If you have read any of the books on the website you may add your review/thoughts on the books in the comments section below the relevant book.